Sometimes we just need a good hearty chicken soup this time of year, don’t we? I’m in Michigan, it’s cold, everyone is coughing, the kids are passing around all kinds of yuck. It’s time for some good hearty chicken soup but let’s skip the noodles and enjoy a good heart-healthy version of the soup we love.
Creamy Lemon Chicken and Quinoa Soup
Today I’m not only featuring a Trim Healthy Mama (THM) SOUP but it’s an E meal. Can you believe it? I don’t love to make E meals for whatever reason. I eat my E meals earlier in the day and do mostly S meals for dinner. Probably because my family eats S meals better. OR maybe I should say enjoys them better.
This recipe can be found in the Trim Healthy Table cookbook on page 147 or you can find another version online here.
As you all know I’m all about making this easy. Who wants to be in the kitchen when the kids get home from school and they have all sorts of excitement to tell you, and show you, and that they want you to help them with. Throw all this goodness into you instant pot. YES, including the uncooked quinoa. In fact, fill that pot full and freeze the leftovers!
If you do not have an instant pot it’s ok this still cooks up pretty quickly so don’t let that hold you back!
I appreciate each one of you! When you comment or tell me you are printing off some of my recipes I get so excited! It’s so fun to share these little secrets with you as we travel on this journey of life together. Keep it up Mama’s you can do this!Q